quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2014

Tratamento com robô melhora vida de pacientes

Publicado em 22 de ago de 2014

segunda-feira, 24 de novembro de 2014

Medicina mais Engenharia

sábado, 22 de novembro de 2014

e-NABLE at Mercatus

Publicado em 11 de ago de 2014
Presentation about e-NABLE to the Mercatus Center of George Mason University, July 20, 2014 by Jon Schull, Ph.D., research scientist at Rochester Institute of Technology’s Center for Media, Arts, Games, Interaction and Creativity (MAGIC).

Mercatus is co-sponsoring e-NABLE's ground-breaking Conference in Baltimore September 28 2014 bringing together Prosthetists, Printer-Makers, Policy-Makers and E-NABLErs.

Here's the accompanying powerpoint (with video clips)

domingo, 7 de setembro de 2014

Israel Rolls Out Exoskeleton Allowing Paraplegics to Walk Again

Publicado em 14/08/2014
A revolutionary Israeli technology that allows individuals with Spinal Cord Injury, such as paraplegia, to stand & walk has received clearance for personal use in the U.S. by the FDA. This will change peoples lives.

The company is called Rewalk - Walk Again

Our coverage when it was approved for clinical use and a rundown of other incredible Israeli technologies:http://jstandard.com/content/item/fro...
I get sick of every time some one post something positive that has to do with Jews and Israel no matter what it is. Cockroaches scurry out from under there rocks and start there nay saying. All you haters are miserable, miserable people. Your hate filled words towards Jews will now fall on def ears. I no longer wish to hear what you have to say. I did my research dug long on both side. What I found are a lot of miss guided people jumping on a ill informed hate band wagon. I the end you all will answer for your ignorance. My heart goes out for you but that is all. You spew your hate and a eternity of missory you will receive as your reward. On a brighter note I think it's awesome they have something that can give these paraplegics a chance to walk agin. Truly amazing. =

Can anyone tell me of anything the Muslims have done for mankind ???

Yeah, Alexander Dore, because what you say is gospel. We suppose you know everything and you are a genius. H. A. M. A. S. HIDING AMONG MOSQUES AND SCHOOLS.

Thank you God for this technology.

As always, follow the money trail.

C'est pas sorcier -Les prothèses : comment ça marche ?

Publicado em 23/05/2013
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3.

C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science.

Aujourd'hui en France 40 000 personnes ont du subir une amputation d'une partie de la jambe ou du bras à la suite d'un accident ou d'une maladie comme le diabète. Après un tel traumatisme, c'est tout son corps qu'il faut se réapproprier. Heureusement, pour ces personnes, les nouvelles techniques d'appareillage font des miracles. Sabine et Jamy nous emmènent à la découverte de ses petits bijoux de technologie et à la rencontre de ces patients qui ont réapprit à vivre avec leur handicap.
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euronews futuris - Un monde virtuel sans limites

Publicado em 13/11/2012
http://fr.euronews.com/ Aujourd'hui on peut contrôler par la pensée, un robot qui nous donne les mêmes sensations que notre propre corps. Les avatars ont quitté les films pour la vraie vie et même s'ils sont encore pour beaucoup, dans les laboratoires de recherche, ils représentent un espoir pour les personnes souffrant de handicap.

A l'Université de Barcelone, des scientifiques travaillent sur une étude européenne visant à lier le cerveau humain à un robot. Grâce à la technologie développée, l'utilisateur a l'impression de faire corps avec l'androïde qui peut se situer dans la pièce d'à côté ou à des milliers de kilomètres. "Dans cette réalité virtuelle, on est représenté sous la forme de reproductions 3D qui se trouvent dans un autre endroit," explique Kristopher J. Blom, directeur du projet VERE, "et dans cet espace, quand on baisse les yeux, on peut voir que l'on a un corps et on se rend compte qu'il réagit. J'ai le sentiment," poursuit-il, "que cette représentation virtuelle que je vois, c'est mon corps, dans une certaine mesure, et c'est intéressant parce que dans un sens, mon cerveau l'accepte comme étant mon corps."

Les électrodes posées sur la peau de l'utilisateur mesurent les influx nerveux dans son cerveau. Par la pensée, il fait faire une action au robot sans l'exécuter lui-même. "Les actions sont associées à des carrés qui envoient des flashs à des fréquences différentes et l'utilisateur peut déclencher une action simplement en portant son attention sur l'un des carrés," précise Mar Gonzales, doctorante en neurosciences, "la fréquence des flashs sera reproduite dans le cortex cérébral visuel, donc on pourra détecter quel carré l'utilisateur est en train de regarder."

L'idée, c'est de permettre à des personnes handicapées de se mouvoir virtuellement, grâce à un robot mobile qu'elles piloteraient. "L'ordinateur est entraîné à reconnaître certains influx que le cerveau émet et ces influx ont des significations particulières," détaille Mel Slater, coordinateur du projet VERE, "par exemple, un influx peut vouloir dire "bouge un bras" ; pour un autre influx, ça peut être de bouger l'autre bras ; pour encore un autre, ça peut être "avance" et ainsi de suite. Donc l'idée, c'est que la personne porteuse de handicap," souligne le scientifique, "puisse participer à son environnement physiquement, être capable d'interagir avec d'autres, de se déplacer, et ce même si dans le monde réel, elle est alitée ou en fauteuil roulant."

Utiliser un robot contrôlé à distance pour voyager sans sortir de chez soi, pourquoi pas ! Mais qu'en est-il des sensations ressenties quand on découvre le monde ? A Pise, une autre expérience a pour but de combler cette lacune.
Daniele Leonardis, doctorant en environnement virtuel de l'école supérieure Sant'Anna, se promène dans les rues de la célèbre ville italienne, un drôle de casque sur la tête. Il y a installé "un dispositif de deux caméras pour enregistrer des vidéos en 3D, un capteur accéléromètre pour mesurer les mouvements de la tête et la vitesse angulaire, ainsi qu'un système audio pour enregistrer du son 3D," précise-t-il.

Des données collectées pour un laboratoire situé non loin de là. Des chercheurs y testent un siège qui émet des vibrations synchronisées avec la vidéo 3D enregistrée. L'appareil reconstitue certains aspects physiques de la marche. "Dans cette expérience de marche contrôlée à distance," explique le professeur de théorie des mécanismes à l'école Sant'Anna, Massimo Bergamasco, "on a intégré au siège, les réactions physiques lors des vibrations, la perception de la vitesse comme cela a été enregistré par les accéléromètres et les autres capteurs lors de la marche réelle."

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terça-feira, 26 de agosto de 2014

Prêmio FINEP 2014

quarta-feira, 30 de julho de 2014

Engenharia Simultânea e Desenvolvimento Integrado de Produto Inclusivo

Lucia Miyake se sentindo feliz
9 h · 
Eu e o Prof Osiris: lançamento do nosso livro em Saarbrücken, Germany pela editora OmniScriptum, referente Tecnologia Assistiva na Engenharia.
Título: Engenharia Simultânea e Desenvolvimento Integrado de Produto Inclusivo. por Okumura & Canciglieri Junior. (em breve na More Books e Amazon)

quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2014

Human Stem Cells Restore Hearing in Deaf Gerbils

Publicado em 14/09/2012
Human Stem Cells Restore Hearing in Deaf Gerbils - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Human embryonic stem cells might be able to treat deafness. Scientists have successfully fixed the hearing of deaf gerbils using human stem cells to treat damaged auditory pathway cells for the first time.

The gerbils' hearing ability was restored to approximately 45% on average. A third were not drastically effected by the treatment, and a third substantially improved their hearing up to 90 percent.

Loss of hearing is caused by two factors - damaged hair cells in the ear that pick up the sound, and damaged neurons that transfer the message to the brain. If the hair cells are damaged then the neurons die off due to not being used.

The human stem cells were converted into cells similar to the lost neuron cells in the gerbils, and transplanted into their ears. Scientist think that the stem cell treatment could be used together with implants to treat deafness in humans.

Biomedical researcher for the organization Action on Hearing Loss, Doctor Ralph Holme said: "The research is tremendously encouraging and gives us real hope that it will be possible to fix the actual cause of some types of hearing loss in the future."

Do you think stem cells should be used in scientific research?

Establishing a sound foundation for children who are deaf or hard of hearing: Karl White at TEDxUSU

Publicado em 05/12/2012
Over the past decade, tremendous progress has been made in ensureing that families have access to hearing screening when a baby is born. Approximately 95% of babies now receive a hearing screen shortly after birth. Now, greater emphasis must be placed on training early childhood education and health care providers.

Dr. Karl R. White is a Professor of Psychology at Utah State University and the founding Director of the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM). Dr. White is recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on early identification and treatment of hearing loss in infants and young children. He has hundreds of publications and presentations at scholarly meetings, and has been invited to more than 30 countries to assist in the implementation of newborn hearing screening and intervention programs. His work has been recognized with awards from such diverse organizations as the Deafness Research Foundation, the American Association for Speech Language and Hearing, the Swedish Society of Medicine, the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped in India. He also serves on many national and international advisorygroups and boards for organizations such as the World Health Organization, the Coalition for Global Hearing Health, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, March of Dimes, the American College of Medical Genetics, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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segunda-feira, 30 de junho de 2014

Centro de Tecnologia e Inovação - TV CULTURA - Jornal da Cultura 1ª edição

Publicado em 12/12/2013
Assista legendada a reportagem da TV CULTURA - Jornal da Cultura 1ª edição sobre a inauguração do Centro de Tecnologia e Inovação.

* Caso as legendas não abram clique em: "Ativar legendas ocultas"

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014

O SIANEE é a melhor, mais eficaz e ampla atuação na área educacional a favor do estudante com deficiência que eu conheço

O SIANEE é a melhor, mais eficaz e ampla atuação na área educacional a favor do estudante com deficiência que eu conheço de todas aquelas que tive contato, torcemos para que amplie suas atividades para TODAS as áreas profissionais via UNINTER, sua patrocinadora. Parabéns a esse time maravilhoso!
Foto do I Seminário de Tradutores Intérpretes de Libras do SIANEE UNINTER realizado na Sede das Araucárias nos dias 16 e 18 de junho.Minha equipe de intérpretes de Libras, Excelentes. — com Celly Meskita e outras 9 pessoas.

sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2014

I Simpósio Internacional de Tecnologia Assistiva do CNRTA

O Centro Nacional de Referência em Tecnologia Assistiva (CNRTA) e o Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer, com o financiamento/apoio  do CNPq, têm o prazer de convidá-lo para o "I Simpósio Internacional de Tecnologia Assistiva (SITA) do CNRTA" a ser realizado de 03 a 05 de junho de 2014, em Campinas/SP, no auditório do CTI Renato Archer.
O evento será aberto ao público e possui inscrições gratuitas. O I SITA tem o propósito de refletir sobre o panorama da Tecnologia Assistiva e irá promover o aprofundamento em temas que permeiam o assunto, como a Educação, a Saúde, o Trabalho e a Acessibilidade. Será enfatizada a integração entre pesquisadores, usuários e empresas, oportunizando a troca de conhecimento com palestrantes nacionais e internacionais.
No  evento haverá também mesas-redondas em que serão discutidos temas em prol da inclusão das pessoas com deficiência na sociedade e em prol do  desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Assistiva, tendo como premissa a Convenção da ONU sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência. 
Faça sua inscrição pelo e-mail sita-cnrta@cti.gov.br encaminhando as seguintes informações:
- Nome completo 


- E-mail

- Endereço

- Cidade

- Ocupação/Profissão

- Possui alguma deficiência? Se sim, qual?
Se preferir, realize sua inscrição pelo site www.simposiocnrta.com.br a partir do dia 26 de maio.

Apoio: Facti - Realização: CNRTA - CTI Renato Archer - CNPQ - MCTI - Governo Federal

quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2014

Maurianna Tavares Cascaes compartilhou o vídeo "Deaf History Month Week 3"

Deaf History Month Week 3
Deaf History Month continues with another video for week 3, to recognize how our past has affected our community today. Learn how what we do today can impact the Deaf community tomorrow! ‪#‎DeafHistory‬ ‪#‎Deaf‬‪#‎DeafBible‬ ‪#‎OnePurpose‬
Curtir ·  · 

quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2014

Computer Equipment Designed and Engineered to Suit the Abilities in Individuals with Disabilities

Publicado em 06/11/2013
Dr. Cory demonstrates technology systems for the disabled including single switch systems, X-10 wireless, speech recognition and synthesis.

Dr. Les Cory, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Society for Human Advancement through Rehabilitation Engineering, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Children's Physical Developmental Clinic (CPDC), Bridgewater State University

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Appropriate Assistive Technology

Publicado em 25/09/2013
Despite key mandates within the UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1994) and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), access to assistive devices is still not universal. The need for assistive devices is increasing everyday due to the emergence of non-communicable diseases, conflicts, road traffic injuries and most importantly ageing populations. As people are living longer, they need more assistive devices to remain functional and productive. However, due to a lack of access to assistive devices, a majority of people, especially those who live in low and mid income countries, remain in isolation and lead a life at the mercy of others. Assistive devices, where available, are often not appropriate for low and mid income countries. The current trend of "Copy-Paste" Tech-Transfer from the North will never work in the South as realities are different. A "Northern Solution" is often counterproductive in the southern part of the world but a "Southern Solution" could be good for the whole world. The world needs a new concept of Appropriate Assistive Technology.

Presenter: Chapal Khasnabis
Symposium on Disability, Technology and Rehabilitation in Low and Middle Income Countries



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Michigan Tech Research Project for People With Disabilities

Publicado em 16/04/2012
This is a track system that is designed to lift people with a physical disability and take them from the bed to the toilet and to their wheelchair. Nick Saur and Justin Henker are the designing engineers of this project and Dr. Beard is the staff advisor.

segunda-feira, 28 de abril de 2014

Technology assures deaf student learns surgery at UC Davis School of Medicine

Enviado em 30/11/2011
Amanda Mooneyham has a 90 decibel hearing loss in both ears, which is considered profound. She can read lips and, with the help of hearing aids, can hear speech as long as the words are spoken clearly and in her direction. In a hospital operating room, where physicians are more apt to mumble than use complete sentences and where everyone wears masks and directs their attention toward the patient, Mooneyham faced a frustrating — if not entirely ineffective — surgical learning experience.

Using tablet technology to link the sounds in the operating room to an off-site medical transcriptionist, Mooneyham is able to "listen" — in real time — to every word uttered by the surgeon performing the operation.

June 17, 2013 update from Amanda available here:http://youtu.be/1Tj8G7DJdK0
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terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2014

Expected future for the Deaf

Publicado em 04/07/2013
We see a world where communication is open and transparent. A world where every deaf person can interact freely with others. It's not simply a far-fetched dream, it's our vision for the future. It's why CSD exists, and why we come to work every single day. CSD has always belonged to the community, and this vision belongs to you. For more, visit c-s-d.org/innovations and share our vision.

Surehands Lift Systems Massachusetts

Enviado em 17/07/2009
Our Surehands lift and care systems are popular with both private and professional consumers. Wherever there is a need for a practical and innovative approach to safe patient care or self care, we have the answer.

Adaptability: Universal Design Michael Graves #2

Enviado em 19/03/2010
Michael Graves. Part 2 Architect, Inventor, and Famous Designer Michael Graves overcomes disability to focus on what he loves. He adaptes his home with the same high standards of any other of his projects, and displays an independent spirit that is inspirational. His home has a beautiful barrier free shower, elevator and many other items that displays the universal design for accessibility.