Reunir informações relativas ao desenvolvimento, às pesquisas e soluções assim como de empresas dedicadas a pessoas com deficiência, idosos e com doenças debilitantes.
A new hi-tech bionic hand created using Formula 1 and military technology has been designed in Britain with the hope of transforming lives across the world. It is the first time a prosthetic limb has been specifically designed for women and is based on the accurate skeletal structure of a real hand. Its creators claim this makes it one of the most realistic robotic limbs ever be made. Speaking on the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme, Nicky Ashwell, who is 29 and was born without a right hand, explained how it had changed her life.
A Colorado man made history at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) this summer when he became the first bilateral shoulder-level amputee to wear and simultaneously control two of the Laboratory’s Modular Prosthetic Limbs. Most importantly, Les Baugh, who lost both arms in an electrical accident 40 years ago, was able to operate the system by simply thinking about moving his limbs, performing a variety of tasks during a short training period.
The Upsee is an upright standing mobility product to help special needs children learn the motion of walking. Learn more about this fantastic product at
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No dia 11/06/14 acordei pela manhã com uma vontade de chamar meu amigo Carlos (surdocego) para assistir a abertura da Copa, mas precisaria de algumas adaptações para que ele entendesse melhor! Além da Libras-Tátil optamos (a Regiane e eu) também pela comunicação háptica para passar algumas informações como :Faltas, cartões, Times, números da camisa dos jogadores entre outras!
Ao chegar na minha casa, o Carlos me relatou que durante a semana estava orando e pediu a Deus que Ele usasse alguém para ajuda-lo na interpretação do jogo da copa, e no final ele disse que Deus foi além das expectativas dele!
Espero que nós guias-intérpretes tenhamos feito o dever de casa!
Agradeço a Deus por me permitir ser usado por Ele!
Com legenda em inglês e português na fala do Carlos no final do vídeo!
On 6/11/14 I woke up in the morning with an urge to call my friend Carlos (deafblind) to watch the World Cup opening, but would need some adjustments for him to understand better! Beyond Pounds Tactile-opted (a Regiane and I) also for haptic communication to pass some information like: Fouls, Cards, Teams, the shirt numbers of players and others!
Upon arriving at my house, Carlos told me that during the week I was praying to God and asked Him to use someone to help you in interpreting the Cup game, and at the end he said that God was beyond his expectations!
Hope we guides-interpreters have done your homework!
I thank God for allowing me to be used by Him!
With subtitles in English and Portuguese speech of Carlos at the end of the video!
The Mobile Lorm Glove is a communication and translation device for the deaf- blind. It translates the hand-touch alphabet Lorm, a common form of communication used by people with both hearing and vision impairment, into digital text and vice-versa. The prototype enables the deaf-blind user to compose messages via the pressure sensitive palm of the glove that are transmitted as a text message to the receiver's handheld device. Vibrotactile feedback patterns allow the wearer to perceive incoming messages. It supports communication over distance, provides access to autonomous information and serves as an interpreter for people not familiar with Lorm.