sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2014

I Simpósio Internacional de Tecnologia Assistiva do CNRTA

O Centro Nacional de Referência em Tecnologia Assistiva (CNRTA) e o Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer, com o financiamento/apoio  do CNPq, têm o prazer de convidá-lo para o "I Simpósio Internacional de Tecnologia Assistiva (SITA) do CNRTA" a ser realizado de 03 a 05 de junho de 2014, em Campinas/SP, no auditório do CTI Renato Archer.
O evento será aberto ao público e possui inscrições gratuitas. O I SITA tem o propósito de refletir sobre o panorama da Tecnologia Assistiva e irá promover o aprofundamento em temas que permeiam o assunto, como a Educação, a Saúde, o Trabalho e a Acessibilidade. Será enfatizada a integração entre pesquisadores, usuários e empresas, oportunizando a troca de conhecimento com palestrantes nacionais e internacionais.
No  evento haverá também mesas-redondas em que serão discutidos temas em prol da inclusão das pessoas com deficiência na sociedade e em prol do  desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Assistiva, tendo como premissa a Convenção da ONU sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência. 
Faça sua inscrição pelo e-mail encaminhando as seguintes informações:
- Nome completo 


- E-mail

- Endereço

- Cidade

- Ocupação/Profissão

- Possui alguma deficiência? Se sim, qual?
Se preferir, realize sua inscrição pelo site a partir do dia 26 de maio.

Apoio: Facti - Realização: CNRTA - CTI Renato Archer - CNPQ - MCTI - Governo Federal

quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2014

Maurianna Tavares Cascaes compartilhou o vídeo "Deaf History Month Week 3"

Deaf History Month Week 3
Deaf History Month continues with another video for week 3, to recognize how our past has affected our community today. Learn how what we do today can impact the Deaf community tomorrow! ‪#‎DeafHistory‬ ‪#‎Deaf‬‪#‎DeafBible‬ ‪#‎OnePurpose‬
Curtir ·  · 

quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2014

Computer Equipment Designed and Engineered to Suit the Abilities in Individuals with Disabilities

Publicado em 06/11/2013
Dr. Cory demonstrates technology systems for the disabled including single switch systems, X-10 wireless, speech recognition and synthesis.

Dr. Les Cory, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Society for Human Advancement through Rehabilitation Engineering, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Children's Physical Developmental Clinic (CPDC), Bridgewater State University

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Appropriate Assistive Technology

Publicado em 25/09/2013
Despite key mandates within the UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1994) and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), access to assistive devices is still not universal. The need for assistive devices is increasing everyday due to the emergence of non-communicable diseases, conflicts, road traffic injuries and most importantly ageing populations. As people are living longer, they need more assistive devices to remain functional and productive. However, due to a lack of access to assistive devices, a majority of people, especially those who live in low and mid income countries, remain in isolation and lead a life at the mercy of others. Assistive devices, where available, are often not appropriate for low and mid income countries. The current trend of "Copy-Paste" Tech-Transfer from the North will never work in the South as realities are different. A "Northern Solution" is often counterproductive in the southern part of the world but a "Southern Solution" could be good for the whole world. The world needs a new concept of Appropriate Assistive Technology.

Presenter: Chapal Khasnabis
Symposium on Disability, Technology and Rehabilitation in Low and Middle Income Countries



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Michigan Tech Research Project for People With Disabilities

Publicado em 16/04/2012
This is a track system that is designed to lift people with a physical disability and take them from the bed to the toilet and to their wheelchair. Nick Saur and Justin Henker are the designing engineers of this project and Dr. Beard is the staff advisor.